Source code for GRID_LRT.Staging.stage_all_LTA

# ===================================================================== #
# author: Ron Trompert <>	--  SURFsara    #
# helpdesk: Grid Services <>    --  SURFsara    #
#                                                                       #
# usage: python                                                #
# description:                                                          #
#	Stage the files listed in "files". The paths should have the 	#
#	'/pnfs/...' format. The pin lifetime is set with the value 	#
#	'srmv2_desiredpintime'. 					#
# ===================================================================== #

#!/usr/bin/env python

#import gfal2 as gfal
import re
import sys
from GRID_LRT.Staging import stager_access 

[docs]def strip(item): return item.strip()
[docs]def process_surl_line(line): """ Used to drop empty lines and to take the first argument of the srmfile (the srm:// link) """ if " " in line: line = line.split(" ")[0] if line == "/n": return None return line
[docs]def main(filename, test=False): file_loc = location(filename) rs, m = replace(file_loc) with open(filename, 'r') as f: urls = f.readlines() return process(urls, rs, m, test)
[docs]def return_srmlist(filename): file_loc = location(filename) regex, match = replace(file_loc) _file = open(filename, 'r') urls = _file.readlines() _file.close() surls = [] for url in urls: url = process_surl_line(url) if "managerv2?SFN" in url: surls.append(match.sub(regex, strip(u))) elif url: surls.append(url) return surls
[docs]def state_dict(srm_dict): locs_options = ['s', 'j', 'p'] line = srm_dict.itervalues().next() file_loc = [locs_options[i] for i in range(len(locs_options)) if [ "sara" in line, "juelich" in line, not "sara" in line and not "juelich" in line][i] == True][0] regex, match = replace(file_loc) urls = [] for key, value in srm_dict.iteritems(): urls.append(value) return process(urls, regex, match)
[docs]def location(filename): locs_options = ['s', 'j', 'p'] with open(filename, 'r') as _file: line = _file.readline() file_loc = [locs_options[i] for i in range(len(locs_options)) if [ "sara" in line, "juelich" in line, not "sara" in line and not "juelich" in line][i] == True] return file_loc[0]
[docs]def replace(file_loc): if file_loc == 'p': match = re.compile('/lofar') repl_string = "srm://" print("Staging in Poznan") else: match = re.compile('/pnfs') if file_loc == 'j': repl_string = "srm://" print("Staging in Juleich") elif file_loc == 's': repl_string = "srm://" print("files are on SARA") else: sys.exit() return repl_string, match
[docs]def process(urls, repl_string, match, test=False): surls = [] for url in urls: if not 'srm' in url: surls.append(match.sub(repl_string, strip(url))) else: surls.append(strip(url)) req = {} print("Setting up "+str(len(surls))+" srms to stage") if test: return stageid = stager_access.stage(surls) print("staged with stageID ", stageid) return stageid
[docs]def get_stage_status(stageid): return stager_access.get_status(int(stageid))
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1])) else: sys.exit(main('files'))