Source code for GRID_LRT.Staging.state_all

#!/usr/bin/env python
Python module to check the state of files using gfal and return their locality
# ===================================================================== #
# author: Ron Trompert <>	--  SURFsara    #
# helpdesk: Grid Services <>    --  SURFsara	#
#                                                            	        #
# usage: python						#
# description:                                                       	#
#	Display the status of each file listed in "files". The paths 	#
#	should have the '/pnfs/...' format. Script output:		#
#		ONLINE: means that the file is only on disk		#
#		NEARLINE: means that the file in only on tape		#
#		ONLINE_AND_NEARLINE: means that the file is on disk	#
#				     and tape				#
# ===================================================================== #

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from collections import Counter

    import gfal2 as gfal  # pylint: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
from GRID_LRT.Staging.srmlist import srmlist
from GRID_LRT.auth import grid_credentials

[docs]def main(filename, verbose=True): """Main function that takes in a file name and returns a list of tuples of filenames and staging statuses. The input file can be both srm:// and gsiftp:// links. Args: :param filename: The filename holding the links whose have to be checked :type filename: str :param verbose: A toggle to turn off printing out the status of each file. True by default will print everything out :type verbose: bool Returns: :ret results: A list of tuples containing the file_name and the State Usage: >>> from GRID_LRT.Staging import state_all >>> filename='/home/apmechev/GRIDTOOLS/GRID_LRT/GRID_LRT/tests/srm_50_sara.txt' >>> results=state_all.main(filename) >>> results=state_all.main(filename, verbose=False) >>> results[0] ('L229507_SB150_uv.dppp.MS_f6fc7fc5.tar', 'ONLINE_AND_NEARLINE') """ grid_credentials.grid_credentials_enabled() # Check if credenitals enabled s_list = load_file_into_srmlist(filename) print("files are at "+s_list.lta_location) results = [] for i in s_list.gfal_links(): results.append(check_status(i, verbose)) return results
[docs]def load_file_into_srmlist(filename): """Helper function that loads a file into an srmlist object (will be added to the actual srmlist class later) """ s_list = srmlist() for i in open(filename, 'r').read().split(): s_list.append(i) return s_list
[docs]def check_status(surl_link, verbose=True): """ Obtain the status of a file from the given surl. Args: :param surl: the SURL pointing to the file. :type surl: str :parame verbose: print the status to the terminal. :type verbose: bool Returns: :(filename, status): a tuple containing the file and status as stored in the 'user.status' attribute. """ context = gfal.creat_context() status = context.getxattr(surl_link, 'user.status') filename = surl_link.split('/')[-1] if status == 'ONLINE_AND_NEARLINE' or status == 'ONLINE': color = "\033[32m" else: color = "\033[31m" if verbose: print('{:s} is {:s}{:s}\033[0m'.format(filename, color, status)) return (filename, status.strip())
[docs]def percent_staged(results): """Takes list of tuples of (srm, status) and counts the percentage of files that are staged (0->1) and retunrs this percentage as float Usage: >>> from GRID_LRT.Staging import state_all >>> filename='/home/apmechev/GRIDTOOLS/GRID_LRT/GRID_LRT/tests/srm_50_sara.txt' >>> results=state_all.main(filename, verbose=False) >>> state_all.percent_staged(results) """ total_files = len(results) counts = Counter(x[1] for x in results) staged = dict(counts).get('ONLINE_AND_NEARLINE', 0)+dict(counts).get('ONLINE', 0) unstaged = dict(counts).get('NEARLINE', 0) # assert staged + unstaged == total_files print(str(float(staged/(staged + unstaged))*100)+" percent of files staged") return float(staged/total_files)
[docs]def check_status_file(surl_list): # TODO: implement """Unimplemented task""" print(surl_list)
if __name__ == '__main__': INPUT = sys.argv[1] if (INPUT.lower()).startswith('srm://'): # Single file. check_status(INPUT) else: # Assume a file list. check_status_file(INPUT)