Source code for GRID_LRT.sandbox

Sandbox building and uploading module

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess
import warnings
import yaml
import GRID_LRT
from GRID_LRT.auth import grid_credentials
import warnings

[docs]class Sandbox(object): """ A set of functions to create a sandbox from a configuration file. Uploads to grid storage and ssh-copies to a remote ftp server as a fallback location. Usage with a .cfg file: >>> from GRID_LRT import sandbox >>> s=sandbox.Sandbox() >>> s.build_sandbox('GRID_LRT/data/config/bash_file.cfg') >>> s.upload_sandbox() This will build the sandbox according to the recipe in bash_file.cfg and upload it to grid storage """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfgfile=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a 'sandbox' object which builds and uploads the sanbox. An optional argument is the configuration file which is a yaml file specifying the repositories to include, the type of the sanbox, and its name. Example configuration files are included in GRID_LRT/data/config. :param cfgfile: The name of the configuration file to build a sandbox from :type cfgfile: str """ self.return_dir = os.getcwd() self.authorized = False if 'authorize' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['authorize'] == False: pass else: grid_credentials.grid_credentials_enabled() self.authorized = True lrt_module_dir = os.path.abspath( GRID_LRT.__file__).split("")[0] self.base_dir = lrt_module_dir+"data/" # self.return_dir = os.getcwd() self.sbxloc = None if cfgfile: self.parseconfig(cfgfile)
def __enter__(self): pass def __del__(self): self.delete_sbx_folder() def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback): pass # if 'remove_when_done' in self.sbx_def.keys(): # if self.sbx_def['remove_when_done'] is True: # self.cleanup()
[docs] def parseconfig(self, yamlfile): """Helper function to parse the sandbox configuration options from the yaml .cfg file. Loads the options in a dictionary stored in an internal variable :param yamlfile: The name of the sandbox configuration file :type yamlfile: str """ with open(yamlfile, 'r') as optfile: opts_f = yaml.load(optfile) self.sbx_def = opts_f['Sandbox'] self.shell_vars = opts_f['Shell_variables'] self.tok_vars = opts_f['Token']
[docs] def create_sbx_folder(self): '''Makes an empty sandbox folder or removes previous one ''' sbx_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.tmpdir = sbx_dir if not os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): os.makedirs(self.tmpdir) else: shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) os.makedirs(self.tmpdir) self.enter_sbx_folder(self.tmpdir) self.sbxloc = self.tmpdir return self.tmpdir
[docs] def delete_sbx_folder(self): '''Removes the sandbox folder and subfolders ''' # if os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) == self.sbx_def['name']: # os.chdir(self.base_dir) if os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) os.chdir(self.return_dir)
[docs] def enter_sbx_folder(self, directory=None): """Changes directory to the (temporary) sandbox folder)""" sbx_dir = directory if directory else self.sbx_def['name'] if os.path.exists(self.base_dir+sbx_dir): os.chdir(self.base_dir+sbx_dir)
[docs] def load_git_scripts(self): '''Loads the git scripts into the sandbox folder. Top dir names are defined in the yaml, not by the git name ''' if os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) != self.tmpdir: self.enter_sbx_folder(self.tmpdir) gits = self.sbx_def['git_scripts'] if not gits: return for git in gits: clone = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'clone', gits[git]['git_url'], self.tmpdir+"/"+git]) clone.wait() os.chdir(self.tmpdir+"/"+git) if 'branch' in self.sbx_def['git_scripts'][git].keys(): checkout = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'checkout', gits[git]['branch']]) checkout.wait() if 'commit' in self.sbx_def['git_scripts'][git].keys(): checkout = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'checkout', gits[git]['commit']]) checkout.wait() shutil.rmtree('.git/') os.chdir(self.tmpdir+"/")
[docs] def copy_git_scripts(self): """ Reads the location of the sandbox base scripts repository and clones in the current directory. Checks out the appropriate branch """ print("Checking out Sanbox repository") 'git clone ' + self.sbx_def['git']['location'] + " " + self.tmpdir, shell=True) os.chdir(self.tmpdir) checkout = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'checkout', self.sbx_def['git']['branch']]) checkout.wait()
[docs] def copy_base_scripts(self, basetype=None): """Backwards compatible""" if 'git' not in self.sbx_def.keys(): raise RuntimeError("No github repository for the sandbox inside the cfg file!") self.copy_git_scripts()
[docs] def upload_sbx(self, loc=None, upload_name=None): """Uploads sandbox to all possible locations """ # self.upload_gsi_sbx(loc, upload_name) self.upload_gsi_sbx(upload_name=upload_name, loc=('gsi' 'data/lofar/user/sksp/distrib/sandbox'))
[docs] def upload_ssh_sandbox(self, upload_name=None): gsiloc = '/disks/ftphome/pub/apmechev/sandbox/' rename = self.sbxtarfile if not upload_name: if ".tar" not in rename: rename = rename+".tar" upload_name = rename if self.sbxtarfile: upload = subprocess.Popen(['scp', self.sbxtarfile, "gaasp:"+gsiloc + self.sbx_def['loc']+"/"+upload_name]) upload.wait()
[docs] def upload_gsi_sbx(self, loc=None, upload_name=None): """ Uploads the sandbox to the relative folders """ gsiloc = ("gsi" "/data/lofar/user/sksp/sandbox/") rename = self.sbxtarfile if not upload_name: if ".tar" not in rename: rename = rename+".tar" upload_name = rename upload_place = gsiloc+self.sbx_def['loc'] if loc is not None: upload_place = loc print(upload_place) if self.sandbox_exists(gsiloc+self.sbx_def['loc']+"/"+upload_name): self.delete_gsi_sandbox(gsiloc+self.sbx_def['loc']+"/"+upload_name) if self.sbxtarfile: upload = subprocess.Popen(['globus-url-copy', self.sbxtarfile, gsiloc + self.sbx_def['loc']+"/"+upload_name]) upload.wait() print("Uploaded sandbox to "+gsiloc + self.sbx_def['loc']+"/"+upload_name) self.sbxloc = self.sbx_def['loc']+"/"+upload_name
[docs] def sandbox_exists(self, sbxfile): file1 = subprocess.Popen( ['uberftp', '-ls', sbxfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = file1.communicate() if output[0] != '' and output[1] == '': return True return False
[docs] def delete_gsi_sandbox(self, sbxfile): deljob = subprocess.Popen( ['uberftp', '-rm', sbxfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print("deleted old sandbox") return deljob.communicate()
[docs] def zip_sbx(self, zipname=None): filename = zipname if zipname else self.sbx_def['name']+".tar" print(filename) tar ='tar -cf '+filename+' *', shell=True) print(tar) self.sbxtarfile = filename
[docs] def cleanup(self): self.delete_sbx_folder()
# os.chdir(self.return_dir)
[docs] def make_tokvar_dict(self): tokvardict = self.shell_vars with open('tokvar.cfg', 'w') as dumpfile: yaml.dump(tokvardict, dumpfile)
[docs] def check_token(self): '''This function does the necessary linkage between the sandbox and token most importantly it saves the tokvar.cfg file in the sbx, but also checks if the token variables are all existing. If so, tokvar is created and put inside the SBX ''' token_vars = self.tok_vars for key in self.shell_vars: if key in token_vars.keys(): pass else: print(key+" missing") self.make_tokvar_dict()
[docs] def get_result_loc(self): return (self.sbx_def['results']['UL_loc'] + "".join(self.sbx_def['results']['UL_pattern']))
[docs] def build_sandbox(self, sbx_config): """A comprehensive function that builds a Sandbox from a configuration file and creates a sandbox tarfile. """ self.parseconfig(sbx_config) self.create_sbx_folder() self.enter_sbx_folder() self.copy_base_scripts() self.load_git_scripts() self.make_tokvar_dict() self.zip_sbx()
[docs] def upload_sandbox(self, upload_name=None): if self.authorized: self.upload_sbx(upload_name=upload_name) else: warnings.warn("not authorized to uplad to gsiftp", RuntimeWarning) self.upload_ssh_sandbox(upload_name=upload_name) if self.sbx_def['remove_when_done'] == True: self.cleanup()
[docs]class UnauthorizedSandbox(Sandbox):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(UnauthorizedSandbox, self).__init__(*args, authorize=False, **kw)